Ep 73: How to Turn Your Customer Service Center into a Profit Center with Louis Lavedan
Table of Contents:
Problem: How to turn your customer service center into a profit center
Prior to last year, a call to a customer service center would revolve around questions about the product and account issues. These days, the customer service industry has exploded. 2020 was a dramatic shift in focus for a number of businesses that were able to allow most of their team to work from home. It is between this and the surge of SaaS businesses that have caused the rapid expansion in the customer service industry. But how can you turn your customer service center into a profit center?
Two weeks into the [French] lockdown, it was like Black Friday every day in terms of customer support.
A couple of years ago customer service was just considered a call center but now people have realized that they can turn their customer service team into a profit center.
The Steps to Turning Your Customer Service Center into a Profit Center
Louis Lavedan and the team at Gorgias have made it their mission to turn their clients’ customer service centers into profit centers.
Step #1: Decrease the resolution time on all repetitive questions
Creating systems and training your customer service team to answer repetitive questions in a more streamlined way will help decrease resolution time.
This way you can spend much more time on pre-purchase questions.
Step #2: Turn your customer service strategy into a conversational strategy
You have to connect to your clients and prospects through the mediums they communicate on (whether it’s Facebook or Instagram). Speak their language to them. This is the basis of customer service.
It’s very complicated to create a good relationship with your prospects and clients because a lot of people need to buy online today.
At the end of the day, your customer service strategy is like a conversational strategy.
Step #3: Good Customer Service Practices
Be everywhere.
Gather everything on one single platform.
Connect with people.
Allow people to enjoy the brand on their own terms.
Don’t automate everything.
Think about outsourcing in order to be available all the time.
Make sure everyone on your team is on the same page.
The first step is to know how to segment your customer requests in order to have a good idea of your customer needs.
Personal Mission Statement: These days, what is important to me is to meet new people and create relationships. My own personal mission is to always be positive and be empathic.
This interview is part of the How We Solve podcast. To hear more from industry experts who are solving everyday business problems, check us out on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and on our website.
About the guest
Louis Lavedan
Louis Lavedan is the strategic partner manager at Gorgias. Gorgias is an eCommerce help desk company that focuses on helping streamline and focus customer service teams and departments.